Benefits of Online Research

Benefits of Online Research

Being able to observe and interact with consumer dialogue in real time delivers a huge amount of detailed insight, whilst feeling more natural and relevant for participants.

  • In the moment engagement for raw and real insight. Your consumers can participate from their computer, tablet or mobile phone. This flexibility means we are able to engage with consumers much closer to the moment of truth than in traditional face to face research. This could be in a specific location or time of day e.g. snacking at work, cooking a meal at home with a new ingredient, suffering from an uncomfortable symptom, using a new product or service, exploring an aisle a the store, etc. By getting in the moment feedback from consumers, we can uncover deeper and more valuable insight (that hasn't been filtered by later reflection, or lost its vibrancy through passage of time).

  • Ease of participation for quality respondents in a more representative sample. The ease of participation can mean you're able to engage harder-to-reach participants (especially those with busy lives), without being restricted by geography or specific evening/daytime availability. This can offer insights more truly representative of your target. 

  • Cost-effective for great return on investment. Face to face interviews and focus group sessions can be time intensive and costly, particularly if you need a spread of participants in different geographical areas. Online communities can eliminate cost traditionally incurred through travel, venues, catering, etc… enabling you to focus your investment where it will really make a difference. 

  • Potential to accelerate discovery when time is of the essence. Our nimble approach enables us to deliver an online community more quickly than the equivalent face to face research, giving you the results you need quickly, when you're faced with demanding project timings. 

  • A wide range of tools powers a truly bespoke approach. Online communities are capable of exploring anything you would explore in a face-to-face research setting - and more. The wide range of research tools available means we are able to design a truly bespoke approach. Tools include diaries, polls, concept tests and many, many more.

  • Accessibility and consumer-proximity to really engage your team (live and reported). We know how difficult it can be for your team to attend live research groups at set times. Your team will receive a personal log-in to the online community, so they can drop in to observe and even interact. The nature of the online community means all data is collected 'raw', directly from the consumers - offering immediate proximity (quotes, vox-pops, etc) without the distance sometimes experienced when face-to-face research is reported to someone who wasn't present. 
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