How We Work

How we deliver value

 PikiPeople works collaboratively to deliver genuinely useful consumer insight through qualitative online research tools. 

Step 1: Understand the lay of the land
Fuzzy brief? Can't see the wood for the trees? Not sure where to start? No problem. We'll work with you to explore your challenge and understand how fresh consumer understanding can help solve today's headaches and unlock future growth.

Step 2: Plan our journey together
Once we've aligned on our desired destination, we'll design the best journey to get us there. We offer a range of online consumer research tools and we can undertake research and consumer recruitment globally - each journey is bespoke. (We don't use panels - our consumers are recruited specifically to your needs).

Where appropriate, we can also complement our core online research offer with face to face consumer research (groups, depths, shopalongs, co-creation, etc). We also offer design and facilitation of client workshops to action our learnings.

Step 3: Immerse ourselves in the exploration
Whatever the challenge, our experienced team delivers hands-on moderation to get the most out of our time with consumers. We also offer client teams the option to log on to view our online research in action.

Step 4: Map everything we've learnt on the journey
We offer a range of reporting options but all focus on delivery of actionable insight to help solve your challenges and open new opportunities. 


Online Communities

Meet The Team

Recruitment &  Project Management

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